Wait, Think and then React …!!!

How often do we think about the effect of our actions or words on people around us?  It is good to voice your opinions, in fact sometimes extremely important to speak for your own interest and well being.  But there are times were silence turns out to be best solution for most of the situations.  Easy as it sounds, these words are a hard to digest.

My interaction with the elder generation points out to the fact that these situations did not exist in the first place. People were calm, patient and thoughtful of their expressions.  Why are we losing out on the patience and tolerance with others these days, especially with our elders?  It seems the fast paced modern life has taken a toll on our emotional stability big time.  Trust me, if your start tracking, the No. of times you offend people in your daily routine, the statistics will be shocking.  It is very easy to say that we don’t realize when or how we offend or hurt anyone.  My personal experience, every time I was arrogant or rude to anyone without any reason; the guilt came within seconds of the incident.  But are we sorry for our actions? Does our ego overpower the need to apologize and make amends; it is definitely a thought one should contemplate on.



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